IPT, formerly Integrated Petroleum Technologies, has over 30 years in business serving oil & gas and other sectors. We are an independent team of well engineering experts who provide consulting, wellsite supervision, and project management services from permitting through well remediation.
IPT was founded in Denver, Colorado as a production company.
We identified the power of information and began building a case study database of over 65,000 wells
100% of staff were employees with petroleum engineering degrees

1992 - 1999
Became a consulting company specializing in reservoir engineering and onsite fracture stimulation
Implemented field standards that were accepted and utilized by the industry:
- On-location liquid additive testing of all chemicals at the designed treatment rate
- Utilizing 3rd party fracture model on site to make treatment decisions
Entered into a contract with the Gas Research Institute (GRI) in solving complex fracture challenges
Became the field implementation arm of the largest GRI contract in history (Advanced Stimulation Technology Deployment Program)
Instrumental in the development of Fracpro® fracture software program
All treatments and well analyses stored in database for quick review and ability to provide to the client
Taught many industry schools and seminars on reservoir and fracturing technology (See list and dates below)
Authored Numerous SPE technical papers (See list below)
Received 9 industry awards given to outstanding projects and well responses (see below)
Served on SPE Committees for Low Permeability Symposium and Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition
2000 – 2011
Discontinued broad distribution of proprietary knowledge through technical papers
Matured to cover every shale play in USA and Canada
Expanded field personnel requirements to degreed engineers or non-degreed with 7 years minimum oilfield experience
Specialized expertise in production and reservoir engineering (finite difference and analytical), well completion evaluations, hydraulic fracture treatment characteristics, DFIT analysis, onsite fracture treatment optimization

2012 – 2018
Restructured company to support expansion initiatives (44 employees).
Acquired Peterson Energy and added business lines: permitting, drilling, wellsite supervision, completion and well remediation / workover.
Expanded our client base to include clients across the globe.
Grew company to a peak of 173 employees.
Entered the municipal wastewater business with the first wells for the Town of Sterling.
Entered the solution mining business providing services to a large, Canadian uranium miner.
Initiated the batch drilling concept in the DJ Basin.
Set the standard for Drilling Spacing Unit hearings testimony.
Achieved milestones in drilling efficiency in the DJ and Powder River Basin.
Drilled deepest SWD wells in the Delaware Basin.
Released our Refracture for Improved Production presentation to current and future partner operators.
Continued to grow during the industry downturn and Covid pandemic while most peer companies closed.

Changed our name to IPT (“New IPT Inc.” remains our legal name)
500+ Clients
6,000+ Projects
300+ Wastewater & Disposal Wells
Added consulting professional for the full life cycle of the well: Reservoir, Geology, Permitting, Drilling Engineering, Frac and Completion Engineering, Wellsite Operations, Workover and P&A, Facility Engineering and Execution, and Environmental and Compliance
Commenced projects in carbon sequestration, solution mining, and geothermal.
Industry Schools and Seminars
- Advanced Completion Technology Update (Oklahoma City, Feb, 1998)
- Advanced Completion Technology Update (Tulsa, July, 1998)
- Advanced Completion Technology Update (Tulsa, May, 1998)
- Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation Seminar (May, 2009)
- Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation Seminar (2013)
IPT SPE Technical Papers
- SPE 56725: Lateral Proppant Distribution: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of “Putting Frac Jobs Away”.
- SPE 28492: The Effect of Viscosity on Near-Wellbore Tortuosity and Premature Screenouts
- SPE 29599: An Evolving Approach in the Analysis of Stress Test Pressure Decline Data
- SPE 39922: Reservoir and Completion Study Improves Results in the Deep Red Fork Formation
- SPE 80916: Re-Fracturing: Evaluation, Design, and Implementation of a Chester Oil Well in SW Kansas
Early Awards
- Best Field Improvement Project
- 1998 Best of the Mid-Continent
- 1998 Best of the Gulf Coast
- 1997 Best of the Mid-Continent
- 1997 Best of the Gulf Coast
- Best Advanced Recovery Project
- 1999 Best of the Mid-Continent
- 1997 Best of the Rockies
- 1992 Best of the Rockies
- Best New Technology Project
- 1996 Best of the Rockies
- 1996 Best of the Mid-Continent