IPT Carbon Solutions to Showcase Expertise at 2024 CCUS Conference

IPT Carbon Solutions is excited to announce its participation in the 2024 CCUS Conference, a key event for carbon capture, utilization, and storage professionals. CEO Dave Mannon and Drilling Manager Jim Jacobsen will represent the company at this pivotal gathering.

Dave Mannon will join a panel discussion titled “Challenges Across CCUS Value Chain” on Tuesday, March 12, sharing his extensive industry knowledge on overcoming the sector’s intricate challenges. Additionally, Jim Jacobsen will present a poster session on “Engineering and Drilling Colorado’s First CCS Stratigraphic Well,” detailing the meticulous engineering and execution strategies behind the project.

Jacobsen stated, “Participating in the CCUS Conference allows us to showcase how IPT Carbon Solutions is navigating the complexities of carbon capture and storage with innovative and practical solutions. Our contribution through the poster session is a glimpse into the cutting-edge approaches we are employing to tackle the industry’s most pressing challenges.”

IPT Carbon Solutions’ involvement in this conference underscores their commitment to advancing the CCUS field and developing sustainable energy solutions.

For more details, view the entire press release here.

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