We work in an industry with
significant hazards.
The difference between Process Safety and Personal Safety (or Occupational Safety) must be distinguished and managed in different ways.
IPT is of course committed to personal safety. Our personal safety commitment is driven by leadership on the wellsite and walking the talk. We wear our PPE and expect others to do the same. We encourage contractors on the wellsite to ask questions and stop jobs they don’t understand or believe to be unsafe. We take this seriously as we all want to reduce high frequency, low consequence events.
Even more importantly,
IPT is deeply committed to
process safety
using engineering and management skills to prevent accidents that could cause major harm to individuals or the environment.
IPT’s operations integrity management system consists of ten elements to ensure process safety and regulatory compliance in the design and execution of all projects, whether it be the drilling of a new well or working over an old one. We would love to have a chat with you about process safety because we are passionate about it.
In addition to managing risk on wellsite projects we are in charge of, we also offer enterprise safety consulting. Some of our offerings include:
- Well Integrity Reviews
- Risk Analysis and Mitigation Plans
- Incident Investigation and Root Cause Analysis
- Corrective Action Plans and Follow-up
- Expert Testimony