Carbon Storage Consultants

IPT Carbon Solutions - CCUS

IPT Well Solutions offers top-tier Carbon Storage Consultants to support your carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects. Our team specializes in site selection, regulatory compliance, and delivering safe, efficient solutions for carbon storage, helping you reduce emissions effectively.

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We take particular pride in our Carbon Storage Consultants’ expertise in the execution of Class VI permits, a critical regulatory component for safe and legal CO2 storage operations under U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidelines.

Leveraging our industry-leading knowledge in conventional oil and gas modeling and simulation, our Carbon Storage Consultants excel in executing Class VI permits for CO2 sequestration projects. With our multi-disciplinary approach in reservoir characterization and geomechanics, we are your most qualified partner for any CO2 sequestration project requiring Class VI permits.

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Carbon Storage: Reservoir Characterization and Geological Evaluation

We can provide, but are not limited to, the following services:

Quantitative Visualization and Reservoir Characterization

Quantitative visualization and reservoir characterization to identify source rock and assist in well planning


Geomechanics to aid in the review of overburden due to thickness change in reservoir from production and injection and associated cap rock investigation


Reservoir simulations to enable characterization of source rock, sealing zones and faults to identify zones for carbon capture and identify porosity, permeability and stratal thickness with plume time lapses

Geological Evaluation

Geological evaluation to identify zones for storing carbon dioxide including petrophysical, geology, geomechanics and geophysics

Wellsite Construction

Engineer injection and monitoring well plans for development for development of the carbon sequestration project for Class VI applications

Site Closure and Reclamation

Engineer site closure plans after completion of carbon sequestration including monitoring and plug and abandonment of injection wells and site reclamation

And More

Contact us today to learn more about how our services can help you accomplish your goals.

IPT Helps Identify and Assess Carbon Storage Reservoirs

IPT Brings Extensive Field Experience Drilling Carbon Storage Wells

IPT Designs and Permits Class VI CCUS Wells

IPT is Your Partner through the Well Life Cycle

Here's What Our Clients Are Saying

1. Extensive Experience in Oil & Gas

Our long-standing history in conventional oil and gas gives us a nuanced understanding of subsurface geological formations and fluid dynamics. This knowledge is directly transferable to the needs of CO2 sequestration projects, particularly when it comes to understanding the requirements of Class VI permits, which demand a high level of expertise in these areas.

2. Rigorous Field Suitability Assessments

Class VI permits require exhaustive suitability assessments of the geological storage sites. Our team has conducted numerous such assessments specifically tailored to the stringent criteria of Class VI permits. We understand the critical geological, hydrogeological, and geochemical factors that contribute to site selection and long-term storage integrity.

3. Advanced Static and Dynamic Modeling

Our modeling capabilities are comprehensive and go beyond the basic requirements of Class VI permits. We begin with static models that provide an initial picture of the storage site’s characteristics, and then progress to dynamic simulations that account for temporal changes, such as pressure and fluid distribution, which are essential for CO2 sequestration operations. These models are invaluable for the Risk Assessment and Monitoring, Verification, and Accounting (MVA) plans required for Class VI permitting.

4. Regulatory Compliance Expertise

We have a dedicated team of experts who understand the complex regulatory landscape surrounding Class VI permits. They are well-versed in all requirements, from pre-operational testing and certification to post-closure monitoring, and work closely with government agencies to ensure that all operations are compliant with current regulations.

5. Multi-Disciplinary Team

The execution of Class VI permits is not a one-dimensional task; it requires the expertise of geologists, engineers, legal experts, and environmental scientists. Our team comprises professionals from all these disciplines, making us a one-stop-shop for all Class VI permit needs.

6. Proven Track Record

Finally, we have successfully guided multiple projects through the complex Class VI permitting process. Our solutions are not only robust but also compliant, significantly reducing the risks associated with long-term CO2 storage.

IPT Helps Identify and Assess Storage Reservoirs

Storage Reservoir Identification

  • IPT has a long history of work in many US basins and can help clients identify potential geologic storage candidates.

Area Risk Identification and Mitigation

  • IPT can identify geological and man-made mechanical risks to carbon or natural gas storage.
  • IPT evaluates existing wellbores in a potential storage area, finds wells penetrating geological storage boundaries, and develops mitigation plans to lower risks to acceptable levels.

Plume and Geochemical Modeling

  • IPT creates a reservoir model to study plume migration as CO2 is injected. The model is complex enough to handle geochemical interactions as well as water or other gasses.

IPT Brings Extensive Field Experience Drilling Carbon Storage Wells

Creating and Progressing the MRV

  • IPT will write a practical Monitoring, Reporting and Verification Plan that meets with EPA approval and that the Operator can execute.

Procurement and Drilling Preparation

  • IPT will specify all materials, obtain competitive bids, and procure materials and equipment for drilling. Because IPT drills hundreds of wells per year, we can secure casing, drilling rigs and favorable services pricing.
  • IPT prepares a detailed drilling prognosis and walks through every step of the program with vendors in a “drill the well on paper” exercise in advance of rig mobilization.

Drilling, Completion and Operations

  • IPT will orchestrate drilling of the well, including handling all testing as required by the permit conditions.
  • When the client is ready, IPT will complete and equip the well for injection, and commission injection operations.

Gulf of Mexico “GOM”

  • In-house experience with turnkey design and execution of over 400 shallow and deepwater wells in the Gulf of Mexico, over 50 land wells along the Gulf Coast, and over 30 land and shallow/deepwater wells in India, Mexico, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, Trinidad, UAE, and Venezuela.

IPT Designs and Permits Class VI CCUS Wells

Well Design

  • IPT has experience designing wells to Class VI standards. Because of our extensive field execution experience covering thousands of designed and drilled wells, IPT’s designs are fully executable.
  • For injection of CO2 generated from oil and gas sources, IPT can design and execute a Class II Well.

Writing the Class VI Permit

  • IPT can write the Class VI permit application for EPA approval (or state approval if state has primacy).
  • IPT is currently undergoing well design and permitting to Class VI standards in coordination with EPA regulators.
  • IPT is also experienced in writing Class II permits for oil and gas related CO2 and other acid gasses.

Progressing Permits through Approvals

  • IPT is an experienced client advocate and will advocate positions using engineering and science to ensure regulations are not over-interpreted.
  • IPT strives to ensure wells are safe and sensibly designed to prevent wasted dollars.

IPT is Your Partner through the Well Life Cycle

Implementing the MRV Plan

  • IPT will assist the operator will all technical and field services required to implement the MRV, including getting equipment installed, capturing, storing and analyzing data, and submitting required reports to regulatory authorities throughout the injection cycle.
  • Post injection, IPT will continue to implement the MRV plan, collecting data, doing maintenance, and reporting to the regulatory authorities as required.


  • IPT will abandon the injection wells at end of life and in accordance with permit and MRV conditions to ensure no leakage.