Oil and Gas Wells

Engage our well expertise to boost your oil and gas revenue and ROI, and reduce risk —while minimizing fixed overhead expenses.
We provide comprehensive engineering and field supervision services, leveraging our experience with thousands of oil and gas wells across the major basins and hundreds of wastewater disposal wells.

Discover the Benefits of Working with Us
Years in Business
With IPT You Only Receive the Highest QUALITY of Services.
We provide:
Quick and timely reports.
Utilization of our vendor relationships with negotiated costs.
Absolute transparency into meticulously tracked costs.
Leadership with the highest standard of safety.
Implementation of KPI’s to hold your service companies accountable.
Top talent to decrease your G&A expenses.
You with a quality well that exceeds expectations.

We provide:
Engineering expertise from reservoir and geologic characterization, to compliance/permitting, to drilling and frac programs and execution, to facilities design.

Oil & Gas Well Drilling
We guide our clients to successful and safe drilling of vertical and horizontal wells, tapping our team’s experience — and our database of over 60,000 wells and multiple integrated studies in most reservoirs within the US and where we have worked internationally.
Rig site and facilities planning, drilling plan, drill supervision, and well cementing are a few of the areas where IPT’s expertise can help.
Oil & Gas Well Completion Engineering
An IPT Workover and Completions group of petroleum engineers and wellsite supervisors can provide frac, completion, workover and plug and abandon plans and cost estimates. Our team has over 30 years of conventional and unconventional experience, covering oil & gas wells, saltwater disposal wells, gas storage, plug and abandonments, re-entries and re-fracs.
Completion and workover wellsite supervision is designed to safely manage operations, working with approved vendors and optimizing costs, adhering to local, state and Federal regulations and insuring the frac stimulation is executed per plan. The supervisor issues a daily report covering the day’s activity and cost, and a synopsis of the next day’s operations.
Improving oil and natural gas production is a focus at IPT. We have studied and made practical recommendations to reduce bridging, improve fracture lengths and widths by increasing gel loading and peak viscosity of the fluid, and using green acid compared to standard HCL to improve operational efficiency. Our Frac Engineering team is ready to provide recommendations.
The completion and workover wellsite supervisor is first on location, and last off. Supervisors are certified in well control and CPR First aid.

Frac Well Stimulation
While every well needs a wellsite supervisor to handle wellhead, wireline services, and other services on the site, having a stimulation specialist to focus on the frac stimulation itself can really pay off.
Clients have told us that one of our big value-adds is in data collection and reporting. You get real-time pressure analysis, QA/QC, and dedicated attention to the crucial frac portion of the completion. It allows the wellsite supervisor time to handle all the rest of the wellsite issues.
The IPT stimulation specialist is there with only the best interests of the well and the client/operator in mind. We have stringent hiring and training criteria for our stimulation specialists.
Wellsite Supervision
We bring experience that not only helps manage inherent risks, but also educates staff on best practices applicable to the project. Our wellsite supervisors know the common issues that can slow or stop a project outright, and provide the entire project with an invaluable safety net of experience. It’s even more valuable if you need to use new equipment on a project, equipment that has not been utilized recently for a similar project, or plan to invest in an area with geology and lithology that are unfamiliar to you.

Wellsite Management
Effectively managing a well means so much more than just the physical site. Our team can handle the various aspects of well management, so you can direct your time and energy elsewhere.
We relieve our client of many administrative duties that a well demands, without the fixed overhead cost of a full-time management staff. This conserves people resources without sacrificing the quality of operations.
Third-Party Sourcing
Often the best solution lies with specialized experts. If there is an issue that requires tools or information outside our wheelhouse, we know who to call and how to get it solved.
We have decades of experience working with skilled individuals across all our related industries and are happy to be the bridge between your needs and their skills.

Saltwater Disposal Wells
With hundredts of saltwater disposal wells under our belts, we help you plan and execute injection wells to deal with briny produced water.