Wastewater & Brine Disposal Wells

IPT WS - Disposal

As water districts face the need to use more challenging water sources for potable water that require reverse osmosis, it creates a challenge for their engineering firms of how best to deal with the briny reject water. Wastewater and brine injection wells can be the best solution for a water district.

Industrial and oilfield clients often have a need to dispose of fluids associated with oil and natural gas production or industrial hazardous and non-hazardous fluids wastes into deep, isolated geological rock formation. Proper evaluation of the permeability, porosity and geologic sealing in a geologic formation proposed for well injection design is an important investigation to gain EPA and state approval. 

IPT can assist in obtaining Class I and Class II permits to allow the project to proceed. In addition, IPT can assist in the injection well’s design plan and field execution.

IPT can help with EPA permits, state regulatory compliance, and project management for your injection well.

Disposal Wells



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